The Marriage Project
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the marriage project is a collective of stories from couples spanning across the nation and globe to share with you the hope they have found in jesus. this is the "one stop shop" to hear how god has impacted each life here and to shine light and shed light on what our part is in his plan.

we are raising our voices and sharing our testimonies through a series of photos & podcasts.
some of the questions we will be answering are: what is the true purpose of marriage? who does it point to? what are we here for?


Your story, by His power, will help change lives, giving others hope.

The Marriage Project exists to shine a light on the sacredness that is marriage. In a world that has lost reverence for the sacred, this project stands to bear witness that God’s heart is for marriage and He wants us to know why He created it, and to take that seriously. The Marriage Project exists to prayerfully bring restoration to broken hearts and marriages. It’s for the one whose identity has been misplaced and for the single who longs for marriage, to learn the depths of it before stepping into it yourself and to those navigating dating and want to do it God’s way.  We will hear from married couples spanning across the US and the world to hear what they’ve learned through marriage.

We love marriage and what it stands for. We’re here to highlight how God designed marriage to be, between a husband and a wife and how it points to the gospel…which displays the ultimate portrait of His love for us. The heart of this project is the heart of the gospel and what Jesus has done for us — took on our sin and died in our place so that we may be reconciled with God. We celebrate not only His death but His resurrection so that when we believe in Him, we have forgiveness of sin and the hope of Heaven, eternal life found in Him.

"That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." Romans 10:9-10.


Bethany and Jacob from The Whatever Is True Podcast - Raising Families Through a Biblical Worldview

monthly podcast+ new couple story released every 
1st weds of the month! 

featured stories


vanessa and
ep. 10 story- marriage in
South africa

pastor marty and lore
ep. 07 on

Marriage, Restoration
and the Word of God