Posts in Education
Catching Up with Andrea and Elliott Johnson: An Endometriosis Diagnosis and The Lord’s Provision

We're catching up with Elliott and Andrea Johnson as they share all about Andrea's endometriosis diagnosis, the importance of emergency funds, and how God sustained their marriage "in sickness and in health." At the beginning of their marriage, God led Elliott and Andrea to get out of debt and manage their money in a totally counter-cultural way. They had no way of knowing then that in following his lead, God would provide not only the resources they needed for her to receive a life-changing surgery years later, but a life-giving career for Elliott to help others out of financial stress.

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Tuvya Zaretsky from Jewish-Gentiles Couples on Spiritual Harmony in Cross-Cultural Relationships

Tuvya and his wife Ellen have been married for 41 years. Both are from traditional Jewish backgrounds but identify as Messianic Jews for Jesus (Jews who believe in Jesus). They have 3 adult children, two daughters and a son, and one daughter who is intermarried.

Tuvya holds a Doctorate in Intercultural Studies from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. He is the founder of, a free counseling service for intercultural couples. JGC ministry helps people who are in Jewish-Gentile relationships (dating, engaged, married, together with or without children) create greater cross-cultural understanding.

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Restoring Intimacy After Sexual Addiction and Trauma with Clinton and Charity Munoz

Clinton and Charity have been married 7 years, have 3 boys (ages 4 and under), and have created a ministry called Restored 2 More in August 2020. Their ministry birthed from their own story of dealing with healing and restoration after walking through what they call “D DAY — discovery day” two years into their marriage. Charity discovered shocking things on Clinton’s phone, things that undeniably revealed he had a pornography addiction issue. They open up and share vulnerably some of the hardest parts of their marriage and their hearts in sharing are to lend hope to the couple who desire to understand their spouse through similar trials and addictions. Join us for episode 24 this month!

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Caleb and Stefanie Rouse: Relationship Educators and Thriving With Jesus

Stefanie and Caleb Rouse use their online and social media platforms to point others to Christ. They use what they've learned (Stefanie has a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy; Caleb has a Masters in Education) along with their love for God and His Word to help encourage others who are feeling hopeless, down in relationships, and are desiring to live life the way God intended them to.

They recently launched a course for single women and have one for married couples coming soon. Included in the course are things Stefanie learned in her program. The things she learned changed her life and they wanted to make it more accessible so others can unlock the best version of themselves in what God has called them to be and to help others thrive in the long-term.

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