Posts tagged infertility
Melissa and Bart and Keeping Your Eyes on Christ in All Seasons

Melissa and Bart Hamada have been married 13 years. Diving right in, we are talking about one of the most trying things they’ve walked through together in marriage, infertility. Have we idolized certain milestones in our life and in the church? How often do we not even think as we are asking certain questions? Never really fully knowing what someone may be walking through.

“I’ve found I’ve personally struggled with where you feel ‘What about me is broken?’ Or why is it that I’m not good enough to be a mom? There’ve been those seasons that I allow myself to question those things, and in light of truth found in Scripture, I know that God is sovereign and I know He’s in control. He’s redeemed me and my body, my marriage. I know He’s not withholding anything good.”

In the midst of this holiday/Christmas season, when the pain of loss may be felt more strongly or another year has passed and the promise you felt God would be sure to answer this year hasn’t happened, it’s a comfort to know we can still find joy and peace in a relationship with Jesus. Melissa and Bart share their joy and peace come from Jesus Christ in the midst of walking through the varying seasons that have come with infertility and that they trust in His good plan.

All this and more on episode 12!

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