Mitch and Maria Vorobets Marriage Testimony


Mitch and Maria are the first couple to be featured on the podcast. I don’t want to give any spoilers but a little bit of background — Maria grew up in a Christian home and Mitch later visited the church she was going to, a Slavic church in Portland, OR. He said “it was love at first sight”. They married two weeks after her 17th birthday. They both expressed they didn’t know what to expect before marriage and had no premarital counseling.  They didn’t know how God intended marriage to be, never even heard it preached or ever had a solid example to look up to.  

They both had filters on going into marriage.  In that first year of marriage, things started to happen, they started hitting potholes and things at home began to unravel.
We’ll hear how God brought beauty from the ashes.

I interviewed them on July 10, 2017. It’s taken a lot to get to this launching point. And a lot can happen in a year and a half. I emailed Maria to ask for an update, here’s what her and Mitch have to say —

“This year we will be celebrating (and I mean CELEBRATING) 15 YEARS OF MARRIAGE!

I know it sounds cliche, and you hear it a lot, but we are more in love with each other today than ever before! 

We are currently concentrating on our personal  growth.  We believe that you cannot give something you do not have. Personal development, healthy self-esteem and growing in personal relationship with Papa God. We continue to pastor the children at our local church and are excited for the Lord to make our breakthrough in our marriage and family these children’s families breakthroughs! God is so good!”

I will also link some books Maria and Mitch recommend that have impacted their marriage and what they’re currently reading —

The Story of Marriage, by John and Lisa Bevere

Keep Your Love On by Danny Silk

For Women Only & For Men Only by Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn (2 separate books)